Thursday, 14 November 2013

Audience profiles

Demographics - This defines the audience largely by the work that they do. It breaks the population down into 6 groups, and labels them by using a letter code to describe the income and status of the members of each group.

PsychographicsThis is a way of defining an audience by looking at the behaviour and personality traits of its members. Psychographics labels a particular type of person and makes an assessment about their viewing and spending habits.

Monday, 14 October 2013


The media have been called the ‘consciousness industries’. Over and above the products they sell, via advertising, they also promote ways of thinking and ways of seeing or understanding, the world. The media are engaged in the production and distribution of states of mind.

Below are some visual representations of institutions that you will be familiar with.  Your task is to use the definition of ‘institution’ to list the ideology (belief system)/values of each institution (the first has been done for you to give you an idea).

INSTITUTION: a system of principles or rules in an organisation that controls the views of a large amount of people.  In media terms, this refers to the social, cultural and political rules that control large institutions such as the BBC, Warner Brothers, Google etc.  All these institutions have beliefs and messages that they give out to audiences – it is possible to suggest that we are controlled through the Media as a whole.
Name of institution: Church

Ideology/values: believes we should follow the teachings of the Bible to live our lives according to the rules and principles contained within.  We should avoid sin, treat others how we want to be treated ourselves etc.

Name of institution:

Ideology/values (what does this image suggest about the type of news coverage that the BBC like to promote as their main concern? Use the key vocabulary of denotation and connotation to analyse the image)

Name of institution:

Ideology/values (look closely at the background graphics in this shot – which famous London clock is displayed?  Where are the buildings in the background situated?...Compare this to the BBC above and explain what this image suggests about the type of news coverage that this institution mainly covers.  Use the key vocabulary of denotation and connotation to analyse the image)

Thursday, 19 September 2013


Deconstruct the pictures below by answering these questions:

What is the usual/stereotypical representation of this area?

Does this picture conform or subvert those stereotypes?

How? Explain using key terminology: denotation, connotation, conform, subvert, representation.