Friday, 5 December 2014

Film 4 overview and case study: A Field in England (A Field in England)

Using these two sites:

Research and prepare a detailed assignment on the following:

Production: art-house or blockbuster? Institutions involved? Impact of technology on filming process?  Budgets and impact? Actors, director and links to audience?  Locations and budget implications? Expansive or restricted? Why?

Distribution and Marketing:  niche or mainstream audience?  Why?  Use of Web 2.0 and impact? Digital or 35mm film? Why? Online, print, TV campaigns, social media, website roles?  Budget and impact?

Exhibition, consumption and exchange: time of year of release - significant?  Type of release - across which platforms? (Cinema, VOD, DVD) Target audience and links to release platforms?  Impact of social media/role in release and exchange? Box office figures for opening? How audience viewed film/reviews/audiences' engagement? How they shared thoughts?

Monday, 1 December 2014

Film4 info

Explore this link to find out about Film4's dedication to talent development through their 'innovative' work...

Explore this link and look at the 'history' section to help with your answer to why Film4 might have some advantages over other independent film companies...